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Running Rabbit Endurance offers several training options. If anything interests you please send an inquiry and I will get back to you promptly. I believe in great service tailored to your needs and affordability. Good health shouldn't have to cost a lot. Let's work together to make something work for you.
One Session
Should you take the hop?
A consultation is a great way to see if we are good fit or if you really want to hop down this trail. It is a great opportunity to ask questions about your current training and / or health and fitness goals. Get the information you need with no monthly obligation. Let's chat.
Left: Kettlebells on display, waiting to swing through the air. Middle: View from the RRE studio. Right: TRX suspension training, perfect for all levels.
Endurance Coaching
Do you want to hit the ground running?
RRE designs customized training plans to fit your schedule and performance needs. Plans include unlimited communication, a Training Peaks account, training log review, data analysis, a lot of endurance fun, and a wooden gift from Running Rabbit Woodworking.
Do you need in depth assistance with sports nutrition or weight management? If yes, hop on over to Eat well. Play hard.
Annie Behrend RD, MS, CSSD of "Eat Well. Play Hard." is a registered dietitian and a board certified specialist in sports dietetics, CSSD. She is available for individual consults and sports weight management programming.
Per Session
Strength Training
Strength + Endurance
Are you looking for that extra edge in your sport or perhaps you just want to be more capable and stronger with everyday activities?
The benefits of strength are manifold not only for athletes, but for nearly everyone. Whether it is for weight loss, performance, or those seeking to move more functionally and smartly, strength training emboldens and empowers. RRE offers a diversity of training out of a unique home studio that focuses on functional mobility, muscular endurance, and core strength. RRE offers one on one or small group training sessions using kettlebells, TRX suspension trainers, sandbags, bands, body weight, and battleropes. I also work with clients online. The fun is endless. Contact RRE for price packages.
Health Coaching
Do you need a little extra motivation & accountability?
Life is stressful and busy. Finding the time to workout and to eat well can be very difficult and may lead to even more stress and adverse health conditions. RRE health coaching aims to facilitate behavioral change and to foster an environment for positive life modifications through fitness, nutritional guidance, and emotional well-being. Contact me for more information.
Trinity Alps, CA
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